user avatarEszter Gal Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarZoltán Nagy // Teacher
user avatarTamas Bako Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » WIT / walkinhabittouch
This document offers several ways of the recording / capturing of Tamás's class. It contains a transcription with notes by Eszter and Tamás; a PDF image collage reflection of Zoltán and the personal observation of Eszter.

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  • The class took part during the second day (15. June, 2012) of the Budapest Local Workshop. It was an offer to create IDocs.

  • More reflective material has been made by other Key teachers.


  • Tamás lead a 30 minutes long session. 
  • Each participant decided a point of view, as full participant, as viewer documenter, as inner documenter, or one could change these roles while doing. 
  • Our material came out of a discussion that followed the feedback round of the class.
  • (Part of that can be read in Eszter's personal observation).



Attached Documents:
Click a link to view the document in a new window (PDF supporting browsers only)
Tamásclass Transcript.pdf
Reflection Zoltán.pdf
PersObser Eszter.pdf
Right click on the link(s) and choose "download linked file as", to specify the target download folder on your computer
[type: pdfTamásclass Transcript
[type: pdfReflection Zoltán
[type: pdfPersObser Eszter

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