IDOCs » The Space in The Relationship -
This is an interactive document focusing on the concepts and practice of Living Architecture and Choreutics (also called Space Harmony) originally developed by Rudolf Laban and then taken further by other researchers and artists. Through looking for current definitions and applications for the following concepts: kinesphere, proxemics, harmony, lability, ‘land of silence’, I look at the way, over a century, the understanding and the use of space in performance and in social interactions has radically changed, and offer some practical considerations for the present coherence and thoughts for the future.

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I am a dance artist and teacher who specialised in Choreological Studies at Trinity Laban, London, between 2010 and 2013. Over three years part-time, we looked at and developed our personal artistic practice through the lense of the body of work developed by Rudolf Laban until its current development in the field of dance and performance, embodying theory in practice. It is divided into three main areas which can be approached in any order: The Dynamic Body;  Relatedness in Motion; Living Architecture. We use symbology but we don’t learn full Labanotation in the programme. We don’t get a Laban Movement Analysis diploma but a qualification as a choreologist. There is more focus on performance than in the former two.

This is an interactive document answering to the written assignment of my third and last year, focusing on the concepts and practice of Living Architecture and Choreutics (also called Space Harmony). I believe it is a great basis for practitioners interested in making the language developed by Laban relavant and updated with today's many evolutions in practice.

“ (B) Referring to writing on choreutics and illustrating from current practice, present your understanding of at least five of the following concepts for movement arts: kinesphere, proxemics, lability, scaffolding, scale, harmony, ‘land of silence’.”

Its original version is for the web and starts there:


but the non-interactive version of the document is available in PDF:


If you liked this, please get in touch, I am planning to make available more interactive documents around Relatedness and the lense of the performer/maker/spectator, and around the Dynamic Body, using similar processes and the Mind Mapping Programme Inspiration. Any other Mind Mapping suggestions would be very welcome. Thank you! Anne-Gaelle -






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