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dear fellow Symposionists !
The preparation for the upcoming Symposium was initiated by the urge to consider dancing as grounding the inquiry into what it means to be human – today. In German, the medieval “spil” is the origin for both “Spiel” (play) and “Tanz” (dance). Proposing that dance roots in play – and thus in the unnecessary, in the physical and in the relational - how does this shape the outcome of that practice? And how do we position ourselves as dance practitioners in contemporary society?
The call for the 4th Symposium, “The Importance of Being [Un]Necessary” triggered many and diverse responses. Following the proposals received, we have composed this weekend’s program.
Join us as we jump down the rabbit hole and seek embodied knowledge – concerning bodily experience, politics, and art; concerning the playful being precisely articulated. Wander with us as we pass through ground research, into dancing and discussing; questioning, answering, and sharing, then eating and drinking together.
Draw with us from the Ancient Greeks’ practice of Symposia as a sharing of insight, as a celebration of intent and community!
Welcome to the 4th IDOCDE Symposium:
The Importance of Being [Un]Necessary
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