IDOCs » Food for the Day
A flavourful, early morning, breakfast-time treat of tuning awareness, welcoming weight, and attending to sensation; taking time and making space as we immerse ourselves in movement and get ready to participate in the excitements and discoveries that emerge through our shared dancing and teaching.

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Get a fine-tuning into the body and the upcoming mental and physical workouts


Trude Cone (NL) on Saturday July 30th, 2016 at 09:00 - 09:45 am
Galaad Le Goaster (SomeBody, FR) on Sunday July 31st at 09:00 - 09:45 am



A flavourful, early morning, breakfast-time treat of tuning awareness, welcoming weight, and attending to sensation; taking time and making space as we immerse ourselves in movement and get ready to participate in the excitements and discoveries that emerge through our shared dancing and teaching.


Trude Cone worked as dancer, choreographer and dance educator 
before becoming the artistic director of SNDO Amsterdam and later AHK Amsterdam. She is a 
Body Mind Centering® Practitioner, Neuro Physiological Psychological (INPP) therapist and a provider in Rhythmical Movement Therapy. She gives trainings 
in stimulating creative potential and 
developed Moving Thought, a coaching approach and series of movement phrases, based on the
 underlying relationship between moving and thinking. She is a member of ISMETA and BMCA.


Galaad Le Goaster based in Strasbourg, is an artist and co-founder of the company SomeBody and the platform IMPRéVU, which houses artists and thinkers working in the field of Instant Composition. Moreover, Galaad works as a songwriter, singer and puppeteer, and as a cinema critic for several magazines. As a teacher, he focuses on the interaction between the functional body and the act of Instant Composition. An activity that deals with the use of the voice and the influence of philosophy, poetry and performance.

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