user avatarSabina Holzer Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarDefne Erdur Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » The Magical Poetry of Everyday
During the 4th IDOCDE Symposium, as part of REFLEX OUTREACH, we have shared some scores and thoughts around artistic documentation. We have shared post cards, we have put up posters and we have had volunteers moving around and interviewing some of the teachers with the scores they have created. In this idoc we share all the scores as a list and a pdf. And we give a link to all the videos that were created by our volunteers. We hope you enjoy and feel inspired to create and realize your own scores!

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The call for The Magical Poetry of Everyday was :

Be ready to be approached! REFLEX Europe will be “all around” the IDOCDE Symposium. There will be questions popping up - of how, what and why you like (or do not like) to document your experiences. Scores and instructions will brighten up your awareness to engage in the magical poetry of the everyday.
There might be transmedial traces of teaching and research processes to inspire multiple choices and varieties of documenting. You never know when and where you will find the inspiration!


The video interview scores that were created by volunteers can be found in this folder

The scores that were created and compiled by Defne Erdur and Sabina Holzer can be found below as a list or a collection of cards in the attached pdf : 



FOCUS ON 1 WORD : Pick a session/class to attend. Choose one word from the descriptive text about this session/class. Enter the class with that word. During the class get to your paper & pen / notepad in every 20 mins and start free writing with the word you chose. Write for 1 minute. Enter back to the session. Repeat every 20 mins.

(Defne Erdur, TOWARDS DOCUMENTATION, summer 2016)


TELL A STORY : Open your sound recorder. Tell a story about an unexpected thing that happened in one of the sessions/classes. You have only 3 minutes.

(Defne Erdur, TOWARDS DOCUMENTATION, summer 2016)


THEY SAID : In all the sessions/classes I have attended they said………

(Defne Erdur, TOWARDS DOCUMENTATION, summer 2016)


CONFESSIONS ON THE DANCE FLOOR : Write few sentences on something that…

… you would never want to do again.

… bores you.

… made you cry.

… you will never forget.

… inspires you.

(Defne Erdur, TOWARDS DOCUMENTATION, summer 2016)


CRITICAL MIND: Take all the time you need under a tree or a cafe or by the beach to write about three things that disturbs you in a dance class.

(Defne Erdur, TOWARDS DOCUMENTATION, summer 2016)


POSITIVE THINKING : Think about your favourite dance teacher and make a list of all the positive things about his/her teaching, her personality… Check in with yourself and put a little + on the items that also is true for yourself.

(Defne Erdur, TOWARDS DOCUMENTATION, summer 2016)


DIALOGUE WITH THE TEACHER : Take a moment. Write the name of the first dance teacher that comes to your mind. Write all you can think about him/ her in 15 minutes. Take 3 minutes break. Divide the page into 2 and start a dialogue with that teacher: right side being you, left side being him/her. Write for 15 mins. Take a 3 minutes break. Write what that teacher maybe thinking of you in 15 mins. Take a 3 minutes break. Write on sentence to that teacher and send it by mail. (Defne Erdur, TOWARDS DOCUMENTATION, summer 2016)


DANCE : Define what dance is for you. Define what teaching is for you. Proofread for mistakes. Re-write it,when ever you want.

(Defne Erdur, TOWARDS DOCUMENTATION, summer 2016)


RE-VISIT EXPERIENCE : Take 3-5 photos in a session/class. Revisit the images the next day. Write a paragraph under each image. Make sure you do not use any verb that repeats itself. (Defne Erdur, TOWARDS DOCUMENTATION, summer 2016)


CHRONOLOGY COMPOSITION : After a dance class you attend, write step by step what happened in chronological order in maximum 10 steps. Read what you have written and add 10 more steps in between the previous 10 steps. Ask a friend to pick up random numbers from 1-20 and re arrange the order of sentences according to your friends choices. Read the new flow of the class.

(Defne Erdur, TOWARDS DOCUMENTATION, summer 2016)


TOUCH POEM: Paint you finger tips with color or a substance (lipstick, chalk, ink, food). Write a postcard with the lines of your fingerprints.

(Sabina Holzer, summer 2016)


WISH PIECE: Create a score to brighten up your day. Share it with someone. Act it out together. (Sabina Holzer, summer 2016)


BICYCLE PIECE FOR IMPULSTANZ: Ride your bicycles anywhere you can in the Arsenal area. Do not make any noise. Do not say any word.

(Sabina Holzer, summer 2016)


DANCE PIECE: Ask a stranger to take care of you, when you walk around with your eyes closed for 21 minutes.

(Sabina Holzer, summer 2016)


DANCE PIECE X: Think of all your movements in life as dance movements. Breathe, watch, listen, touch and move between the earth and the sky.

(Yoko Ono, Acorns, publication July 2013)


SHADOW PIECE: Make shadows - still or moving - of your own body or something on the road, wall, floor or anything else. Catch the shadow by some means.

(C.Shiomi, 1963)


SOCIAL PROJECT: Find a way to end war. Make it work.

(Jackson Mac Low, 1963)


DANCE PIECE FOR IMPULSTANZ: First: write your manifesto in the water of the pool at Arsenal. Second: go to someone and whisper some words of it into her/his ears. Third: Let yourself be moved by your manifesto into a short dance.

(Sabina Holzer, summer 2016)


DANCE PIECE: Sit in silence for 21 minutes and watch the movement of your surrounding: the light, the colors, the wind, the things, the people.

Close your eyes and make a drawing on a postcard till a word appears you want to right down. Send it to a person you miss.

(Sabina Holzer, summer 2016)



(Yoko Ono, winter 1963)



DANCE PIECE : Swim in your dreams as far as you can until you find an island. Tell us results.

(Yoko Ono)


WISH PIECE : Create a score to brighten up your day. Share it with someone. Act it out together.

(Sabina Holzer, summer 2016)


WISH PIECE : Make a wish. Write it on a postcard. Send it to a beloved friend. Ask her/him to do the same.

(Sabina Holzer, summer 2016)


SOCIAL PROJECT : Find a way to end war. Make it work.

(Jackson Mac Low, 1963)


DANCE PIECE VIII : Imagine one thousand suns rising at the same time. Dance in the field for 11 minutes.

(Sabina Holzer, summer 2016)


TOUCH POEM : Paint you finger tips with color or a substance (lipstick, chalk, ink, food). Write a postcard with the lines of your fingerprints.

(Sabina Holzer, summer 2016)


THEY SAID : In all the sessions/classes I have attended they said………

(Defne Erdur, TOWARDS DOCUMENTATION, summer 2016)


CONFESSIONS ON THE DANCE FLOOR : Write few sentences on something that…

… you would never want to do again.

… bores you.

… made you cry.

… you will never forget.

… inspires you.

(Defne Erdur, TOWARDS DOCUMENTATION, summer 2016)


DANCE : Define what dance is for you. Define what teaching is for you. Proofread for mistakes. Re-write it, whenever you want.

(Defne Erdur, TOWARDS DOCUMENTATION, summer 2016)


RE-VISIT EXPERIENCE : Take 3-5 photos in a session/class. Revisit the images the next day. Write a paragraph under each image.

Make sure you do not use any verb that repeats itself.

(Defne Erdur, TOWARDS DOCUMENTATION, summer 2016)


IMG 3816
IMG 3769
Attached Documents:
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Magical Poetry of Everyday - Scores.pdf
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[type: pdfMagical Poetry of Everyday - Scores

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