user avatarsebnem yuksel // Teacher
user avatarEmre Sökmen // Teacher
user avatarEsra Yurttut // Teacher
An exercise for finding movement material.

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The exercise began with listening to Beethoven's Piano Sonata no. 21 in C,Op.53, "Waldstein" - 1. Allegro Con Brio and watching the outside view from the windows of the studio. The first task was to see the objects, animals, cars and etc. that could be singing or playing the music they were listening to. 
Towards the end of the music, the task turned into focusing on one ( or maximum two) thing from outside that took the participant's attention most in relation to this music piece. 
Then, the next step was to watch the movement qualities of the thing that they've chosen.

After the music finished, the participants wrote the weight, time, space, flow, level, direction and dimention qualities of the movement of their chosen thing.
The last step was to create 4 movements ONLY with the qualities which they wrote. For example, if the weight of the movement was "light", then no "heavy" weight movements should be included in the ones that they would create. 
((Here, the important point was NOT to think yourself as the object that you've chosen. You only embody its movement qualities. For instance, if you choose a car, you don't look for a car's movements in your movement phrases but have only it's qualities of movement.))
When everyone finished, it was time to dance all the small dance phrases together.
 One Participant's Experience: 
It was a good experience to watch around with the music to see the movements of the objects, people, animals and around. This 'awareness opening' exercise brought joy in my life. Watching around started to get deeper and more analitic when we were asked to focus on one thing that took our attention. Although we were allowed to keep watching the thing that we chose while writing the movement qualities of it, I prefered not to look at it again. After all, to answer all the questions without seeing it and without listening to the music allowed me to recall my memory and have another experience. 
Transforming and transfering the object from outside to paper and after to the body was a beneficial journey for me. 


Emre & Esra working on 1
Emre & Esra working on it 2
Esra's notes
Emre's notes
The view from the window
Observing the view
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