user avatarMartin Streit Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarMarie Chabert Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarDefne Erdur Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarpavle (pavleheidler) heidler Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » Food For the Day 1 - Teaching Form[less]? - 2015
During the 45 minutes of this Teaching Form[less]? - 2015

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Reflections on Food For the Day 1 Teaching Form[less]? - 2015



The Universe Within, an exploratory technique class 

The participants navigate between the flows of one’s inner voice and impulses while keeping the frame of the material that is proposed, engaging a dialogue of the inside while cultivating an awareness of the form produced in space.

“Arms like wings opening and spreading, 
Opening up the heart and connecting to freedom

The mountains of the body, 
Its valleys and flowing rivers 
The air passing and exchanging

Qualities: welcoming gravity with lightness 

Vertical and horizontal spaces:
Embracing the universe
Head in the stars and feet on earth

Including emotions and feelings, 
Allowing them to create dynamics 
Influencing inner musicality and relationships 

Being moved by the space
Being touched 

Watching a movement phrase 
Integrating and processing
Through the layers of bodies

Giving form to the formless”

Food for the Day Marie Chabert

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