IDOCs » 'spirals circles serpentine' during ImPulsTanz 27 - 31 of Aug. 2015
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Andrea Boll
spirals circles serpentines
We practice spiralling, circling, and serpentine movements in order to move economically, healthy and joyful. We train to use centrifugal and gravity forces to organise complex motions. We treat the floor as a partner, involving breathing dynamics and the release of energy throughout the body as a motor of movement. Sequences build up during the entire class in order to train and improve awareness, alignment, strength, flexibility and stamina to expend boundaries.
In the course of the class we sometimes work with a partner to deepen the proposed material and practice and enhance giving and taking stimulating feedback.
The last part of the class is a liberating, challenging playground of dance material, sensations, space perspectives, deconstruction, enlargement and reduction.

2015.08.14 feedback from Joana Silva:
- The beginning from stepping slowly (forward and backward) and collecting information from the feet.
- The exploration of the middle level (on all fours) and the ground/earth level to shake and balance the body structure.
- The different exchange of feedback two by two, changing the partners. (for me this a very important point that also can develop autonomy/independence for both teacher and practitioners)
- To collect the sensations worked through the session and to feel them in the last sequences between up, down, running, spiraling and circling inside and out in the space.
- The power of set, yet simple sequences within a framed stimulus.
some questions from Joana and the asnwers of Andrea:
- How did you feel before starting the week?
- The beginning from stepping slowly (forward and backward) and collecting information from the feet.
- The exploration of the middle level (on all fours) and the ground/earth level to shake and balance the body structure.
- The different exchange of feedback two by two, changing the partners. (for me this a very important point that also can develop autonomy/independence for both teacher and practitioners)
- To collect the sensations worked through the session and to feel them in the last sequences between up, down, running, spiraling and circling inside and out in the space.
- The power of set, yet simple sequences within a framed stimulus.
some questions from Joana and the asnwers of Andrea:
- How did you feel before starting the week?
Excited to teach this class in a very large studio and curious about what kind of dancers / students come to the calss.
- Did you do all that you have planned?
- Did you do all that you have planned?
No. I always have more material to add and develop it also ongoing in order to deepen and find more specific material to approach a certain topic within the class.
- What did you do during the week that was not planned before?
- What did you do during the week that was not planned before?
Since the studio was larger than other spaces I have tought this class I add a lot of running and sliding, wich appeared to improve stamina.
- What do you highlight?
- What do you highlight?
I enjoyed a lot to have a quit large group of dancers, taking the class every day. So it was possible to build up during the week. I enjoyed that a lot, since often in open classes you have differnt dancers coming every day, which sometimes makes it difficult to deepen and going beyond ones borders.
- What would you like to change for next sessions?
- What would you like to change for next sessions?
for some of the floor excersises I like to develop preparations exercises, pointiog out just one specific coordination (f.e. sequencing through the body)
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