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IDOCs » Beyond the Form - a surprising and controversial study into the (un)known - Teaching Form[less]? - 2015
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This idoc is to be created collectively by Kira Kirsch & Antoine Ragot and the participants of their session "Beyond the Form - a surprising and controversial study into the (un)known " during the 3rd IDOCDE Symposium - Teaching Form[less]?

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Dear Kira & Antoine & Teachers,
I tried to take some pic from our class with you.
I keep a strong memory of your work, or : how to be in a technical analyse and in the same time, to be in the concrete of our body.
Your work remembered me the philosophy of Wilfried Piollet and her theory : "Les barres Flexibles"
I felt during your class, that a body has a lot of potential. And your view offer the possibility to trust in these potentials.
Hélène Beilvaire.
Credit photo : Hélène Beilvaire
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