Carla smiles
eyes speaking
the space opens
a still life of fan-movements
two small girls enter the room
the younger one approaches the dance floor
the yellow floor – vanilla seems to stop her
she looks for mami
the older one calls her to leave
mami is not here
the small blond dancer in the cobra-position turns around and smiles
the space is closing the moment the girls close the door
Carla doesn’t want someone to play with her hair
but than – joy
eyes wide open – speaking eyes – Carla’s eyes
chapter 2
lifts and fans and fans and lifts
Eszter flies
spectacular drops
lots of shapes
the two blond ladies start a duet
abandon it
could have been the start of chapter 3
enter a space and start
up & down & stepping sideward
down - beating the floor – fists
floating, carrying, dragging
that was the curtain – interruption
could have been the start of the next chapter
yellow – mustard – close to my cheek
a gorilla
than a tiger
pass by pass by
a fragile structure carries me

And here is mine:
Poem out of 10 words for “Choreography of Documentation” Moon – Practice
An exercise in motiv and variation
Interesting disturbance in purposeful languages
Attention is different in harmony or conflict
Form lies in the eye of the beholder
Form needs to be disturbed and attention paid to purpose
Harmonious languages are less interesting
Behold the conflict of differences.
Different purposes in disturbed harmony
Pay attention to the beholder!
interesting conflicts form languages