user avatarKerstin Kussmaul Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarLisbeth Bitto // Teacher
user avatarjasmin hoffer // Teacher
user avatariris julian // Teacher
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IDOCs » 4th LEAP meeting Vienna June 2015
The report of the last of the 4 LEAP meetings, held in Vienna June 27th, 2015 at the Probebühne of the Schauspielhaus while the ImPulsTanz festival dawns on the horizon...

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Well, we (Lisbeth Bitto, Jasmin Hoffer, Iris Julian, Kerstin Kussmaul, Joana Silva, Olivia Schellander, Sibylle Starkbaum) focused on 2 themes: First on the upcoming IDOCDE Symposium and the ways to participate - scholarships, volunteering, or simply as a participants...

But we really wanted to move together! So we followed the footsteps of the LEAP Teaching Residency (the Austrian / French/Swiss team) and discussed first the essentials we wanted to experience in a dance class. We then taught each other collaboratively for an hour in 10 minutes slots, allocating some of the essentials we had come up with to the "teachers". At the end, we took some time to reflect. It was an interesting 4 hours we spent with each other, as we mostly did not know each other not at all or not very well.

The "class" - withouth a verbally agreed or theme goal - clustered around the themes of walking, "figures", spirals in and out of the floor. It had some performative / compositional elements as well as some more movement technique elements. 

Here is the brainstorming - the long list of our essentials...

*go to a point of nothing
*space & time to arrive
*both comfort zone & challenge
*knowing that mistakes are possible (and encourage)
*changing the state of energy during class
*becoming aware of a certain motion(movement) or pattern (habit)
*it's not about doing it right, but about being aware
*experiencing the group - who is present?
*balancing improvisation and sequences
*having an energetic dramaturgy
*bringing awareness to one detail that you can take with you
*bridging the gap between class & life
*stimulating physical intelligence
*making contact / connections


...Which then was shortened to do this spontaneous short list (due to time constraints, we stuck to first choices):

*both comfort zone & challenge
*energetic dramaturgy (as underlaying principle for all teaching)
*stimulating physical intelligence
*bridging class & life
*making contact & connections

Some thougths in our reflection time:
The importance of language: different understandings of "figures", "shapes", "gestures" - a certain blurriness about these terms.
A spontaneous co-teaching of Lisbeth and Kerstin occurred, which both of them enjoyed and felt i was a good kind of challenge.
What is composition? "Making" composition versus "experiencing" composition
How to bridge your experience as a teacher to the experience of the student? An ongoing puzzle...
Joana made the deliberate choice to move away from her essential "physical intelligence" to how to make the body more present, using imagery (cloudy fingers).
Differently than in other classes, first themes of composition / performance / presence were dealt with at the beginning of class. Towards the end the class shifted towards physical / technical exercises - spiraling in  out of the floor a.o.

There was not a goal for the "class" but there was a structure. Each of the teachers chose an "essential" from the list above, we chose the order and there was one essential that everyone had to be aware of within this group experience: *energetic dramaturgy. Somehow it was also a way of communicating and mantaining the presence between the elements.

Having a structure also allowed us to be more free to make some instant choices.




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