user avatarEszter Gal Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarMadara Garklava // Teacher
IDOCs » TAB teaching in Joensuu at ISLO, May 18-21, 2015
Documentation of the TAB teaching in Joensuu, Finland at ISLO in the 10 months Somatic and Dance Education Program. The workshop was the last one in the education after a solo study project and before the student's portfolio presentation.

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Documentation of the TAB teaching in Joensuu, Finland at ISLO in the 10 months Somatic and Dance Education Program.

The workshop was the last 3 full day practice in the education after a solo study project and before the student's portfolio presentation. I came to ISLO with excitement and openness to see where the students were at the end of their studies. 

1) Focuses for the workshop and the preparation
- pratice: movement technique experience (Skinner Releasing Technique and Contact Improvisation), playful composition, group dynamic - ensemble thinking
- discussion: the theory and the pedagogy of the Skinner Releasing technique; background of my work (teaching related: releasing, contact improvisation, composition; organization related: national and international networking); questions to address: "how to make a carrier?"; "what to to next?" (after an education); artistic thinking and "the world out there"; "how to utilize dance in any field of work?"; introducing IDOCDE as a possible way to connect and share the work (be visible)
integration: dancing, sharing, drawing, playing

2) The given material

Day 1 morning class:
- introduction to the workshop
- SRT class 2: focuses: autonomy of the breath - movement study; image: breath as white mist; watchful state - moving in a dynamic stillness, economy, clarity; partner graphic: freeing the leg; melting leg dance -> writing or drawing the reflections or the continuity of the experience

breath study
melting leg dance

Day 1
afternoon class:

- talking /sharing of their experience of the SRT class and introducing it, including the history of the technique
- ensemble thinking - Nina Martin's score: 1 idea; in two groups (watching each other) 3 rounds; then maximum 3 ideas in the space - reflections

Day 2 morning class:
- contact improvisation: 1) silent traveling - seeing, taking in as many details as possible, then embody the form and asking the question: "what am I really doing when I am..." - material alone and with a partner: rolling, sliding, crawling, pushing, pulling, shaking, disorientation, arm support, center guiding on all 4, center as engine, pouring weight onto the partner's center as he/she travels on all 4, in standing and walking forward: let the weight fall back and up as the partner is pushing forward to travel slowly - conversation through some weight giving and moving it into space; 2) out of the last exercise a duet dance - staying close to vertical: falling towards the partner, finding where the floor is through the legs and feet (own and partner), pushing/rolling/falling; where is the floor; breathing helps; fall in order to fly...3) gradually leaving the partner, taking it to walking with little off balance falling, catching the weight, soft feet and knees, changing directions by falling gently toward one side, moving through the vertical as a place of transition; gradually find the vertical axes - and walk - slower: raise the arm ...

Day 2 afternoon class
- group games (as they requested):
1) walking - hidden partners -> a) one is enemy the other is a friend - keep your friend between you and your enemy to protect you; b) both your friends but each others enemies - be between your friends to protect them from each other; 
2) balancing the space as if we would all walk on a boat and not to fall into the water
3) choose two partners - keep the same distance from both of them at all times
4) throwing games with name - standing in a circle, moving into space, faster speed
5) catching the clap - in a circle and moving into space, faster speed
6) standing in a circle - when someone looking ito your eyes you turn your head

- ensemble thinking: flocking - add leaving the group, making subgroups, add movements and dynamic; play it in two groups

- integration: universal score as a way for feedback and reflection (respond to the classes, to the material has been given, to their education, to their next step, to their further studies and interests, and anything else ...)

- warm down with a partner: own choice of bodywork (space and time for being, lettig go, resting with attention)

Day 3 morning class:
- SRT class 4: nudging dance (gentleness is powerful); image: inner spaces of landscape - remaining open and supple as we move - add changing outside spaces if wish; partner graphic: torso suspention; shoulder graphic, ease the arms, movement study with an image - gossamer thread connects the hand - writing / drawing

Day 3 afternoon class:
- Contemplative dance practice: 15 min meditation; 15 minutes solo practice; 15 minutes duet practice; 20 min. group composing / creating - adding music for the extra 8 minutes

- writing and drawing: "where would you see yourself in 20 years from now?" (what would you do? let your vision, imagination, dreams take you) -> sharing it with one or two partners

- closing: sharing the "future" with the group; feedback about the workshop and experinece of the guest teachers of LEAP during their studies, more questions about my work; written feedback (words or sentences) - see them below

3) Response to teaching the group


4) The feedback of Madara Garkláva
Madara has been my teaching buddy. Her delicate and yet strong presence and attention greatly added to the ability to follow the process of the group, their needs and directions. Her intelligent and clear sense of direction guided my search for use the time of this last workshop athe best way we could. Her feedback is below: 

Feedback from Madara Garkláva, recieved on the 22nd of June, 2015: 

Eszter came to teach in ISLO at the very end of the study year when tirendenss and thoughts of going to home where on the surface of the group's energy. 

Nearly 10 months we had received the vast variety of somatic approaches to movement and dance study. Thanks to LEAP project this year had been especially rich in visiting teachers so we as students got to know and practice: BMC, Feldenkreis, Trager, GAGA, Bartenieff fundamentals, Ideokinesis, Craniosacral Therapy, Dance and Movement therapy and many more teacher self-made scores and tasks. I was happy all year long nourishing my personal and profesional self. But till the week when Eszter came i thought i will continue somatic movement teaching quite similar as i did before joining ISLO but only now with richer material and more wisdom in my body. It all changed after first Skinner Releasing session offered by Eszter on Monday morning May 18th. It was second class of Skinner Releasing Technique. The change in my movement quality and range of possibilities in my lower limbs that i experienced at the end of class turned my interest into Skinner Releasing as a technique that i would like to go through thoroughly and work with others according to it. First time in my professional life i felt that i am ready to surrender to one technique. That was one of beautiful. But it is not the end of story. On other day our group had opportunity to experience one more Skinner Releasing class. I had experienced some remarkable changes after Feldenkreis session or Trager but they lasted for a short time - one day or so. But after the Skinner Releasing class i felt major changes in my neck vertebra arrangement and alignment of head. First day i thought - waa, such a spaciousness and lightness but it will change. Next day - the same, day after - the same.. So my interest in Skinner releasing as a way to become better mover and as an effective way how to work with others became stronger and stronger. Till i started to search for workshops with many class material at once. My enthusiasm was feeding me richly and unless i would cary a baby under my heart you would find me at this time taking some workshops. Life has offered me a beautiful way of growth through becoming a mother and my curiousity of how and when i will engage next time with Skinner Releasing is very present. Warmest gratitude to Eszter who opened me the magnificent world of Skinner Releasing.



ISLO class1 SRT1
ISLO class1 SRT2
ISLO class1 SRT3
ISLO Ensmbl 2
ISLO Ensmbl1
ISLO compo1
ISLO future resp2
ISLO future vision1
ISLO future resp1
ISLO future vision2
Joensuu kites
ISLO group
Joensuu phrame
ISLO responses
ISLO Ensembl 4
ISLO Ensembl 3
ISLO composition

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