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Bruno Listopad Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » Reconfiguration.. :)
Hi all, I’m in Grenoble leading a course at the Pacifique, perfect for handling moment research within an radical empiricist scope because of the city's inspiring morphology. One emerged between mountains:). Well, now practically speaking, within this document you can find its programmatic documentation.

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(Re)experience the body as strange to yourself. It is not about what the body is but what can it do. Perception is also material.

Convert visualisation into sensation.

Don’t move rather think movement as an occurrence. Experience it as an event.

Find a spot in space you trust and lay down. Do it where it feels intimately right for you. This is first element of composition.

Observe physical tension, observe the feeling-sensation – but don't necessarily identify with it.

Watch your body topographically. See the negative space between parts. Watch the skeleton through the skin.

Porous skin, floor touching inside body, inside the body turning into the floor. Become the ground let the ground become the body. The floor and your infinite interior touch each other.

Become the space.

Folding producing inner space - provide space to the articulation through the folding of your joints. Give space to space outside your body - be generous to space by offering space to this.

Don't move in space, produce and move space instead. Move the space you produce.

Strings suspension (avoid representation but focus in the sensation of levity instead – intensify the felt paradox); vertical & horizontal, but also diagonal - try multiple directions simultaneously.

In all fours, virtual strings top of the head tale bone strings are pulling in opposite directions. Let your body be played by these different and multiple axial pulls.

But don’t mime a marionette, is not about the representation is about the experience of the tensed feeling of opposition. Move as if you are still prostrating in the ground in state of collapse.

Massage the negative space. Try it out in all fours and also in shoulder stand inversion - massage the space around your legs. The space is sensitive too, be gentile with it and this will massage you back.

Experience how movement gets formed not how form gets formed. Focus in the process. Form is fine but movement of emergence holds more potential, rather focus on that. Anticipate which other process can this one set in motion.

Multiple pull balance, sustained through multiple strings suspension. Feel the levity. The balance of your body is provisional and dependent of these external relations. Let go of the chore control and enjoy the movement of precariousness. 

How many body parts are touching the floor? Try different ones. Subtract these further and further until standing. Think of standing not as verticality. Subtract the above points until reaching horizontally. Feel the experience of have laid down in the previous exercise when you move standing. Tilt the experience of horizontality and let it contaminate the feeling of verticality.

In all fours explore the slippery surface of the ground. Let one limb side and then another. Let one turn into brush that paints the slippery surface of the ground. You are not the painter, your body happens being utilized as a brush. Experience that feeling.

Bones, think these as autonomous, totally apart from each other, only connected by an elastic porous skin providing the illusion of one skeleton – think of a multiplicity of bones instead of one skeleton or even one body.  Think-feel the body as a contingent assemblage composed of singularity and difference.

Point dropping. Let parts of the skeleton in suspending in levity, collapse in parts. Let this fall bone per bone.

Produce space through any folding you do. Don't move in space, provide space to space and subsequently move this. Set the space in motion.

Touch the air. Touch the ground. Touch is touch. Space is a concrete material that you can touch.  Observe the feeling-threshold from when you pass from one material to the other.  Be porous and intensify sensitivity through attention to experience. Feel the difference of any of the various materials you touch. Feel the passing limit within transitory thresholds.

Running, use the skin gliding/sliding through space. The space wheel plane can support you. Feel the support of space touching your skin.

Space manipulating the gaze. Space manipulating the face, defacializing the face – posses a head instead of a face. Democratize the body. Spread the gaze throughout the whole skin porous.

To imagine and intuit the space behind you, above and below is to real see. What you feel seeing is as real as any material.

Think of multi-directional balance – no need for a centre or a chore. Bones are hanging or suspended in levity. Let the peripheries of your body take the lead, tensegrity. Feel the residual movement pre-spiral curvature that these movements produce.

Spiral and Rotation – focus on spiral and rotation residual movement. Experience how spiral and rotation differ. Which types of residual movement to these two produce.

Bring it further as compensation. Use the spiral residual movement as the main ‘protagonist’.

Let an injection of a residual sculpture form you from within.

Instrumentalize the body, let it be instrumentalized and see where it brings you. Let the body be an experience tool of a concept. Bodies are immanent to concepts.

Practice phrasing to escape your own rhythms, decide for a beginning and for an end. Try phrases of distinct lengths. Even count different measures if it helps you.

Eyeballs massage, massage space with the eye balls.

Space capture, perceive the space as whole without fixating anything you may see in particular.

Experience the outer space entering through your gaze.

Project your inner space through the gaze in space.  

Energize the space with the gaze and physicality.

Feet floor - feet skeleton, explore different forms of contact of the feet with the ground. Find the relation of the feet and the skeleton.
Turn into a precariousness body disseminating a nomadic concentration of fluid played within your contours.

Pump/squeeze the ground and let let the fluid climb the whole body until the head.

When dancing as a group, try perceiving the group as one body articulating multiple difference but don’t feel that you have to operate in consensus allow dissensus too, counterpoint and counter propose feel that emergently.

Let yourself be swept by the others movement vortex.

Observe desire as an event or an occurrence that transits through the body. Observe movement as an event or an occurrence that transits through the body too.

Experience the elasticity of the skin. But remain porous, dilate the pours further.

Surprise yourself. Experience yourself be moved against your will.

Enjoy feeling the vertigo and the danger working in the limit of your experiential expandable capacity can counterpoint this experience with reassurance of what you know. Enjoy deterritorialize and territorialize experience.

Now that you are hopped, you are ready to be jumped.

Play all the way and stay cool. Coolness is distance, distance is space, space is potential.




























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