Some time ago I gave a workshop in contemporary dance for young norwegian music students. It was a wonderful experience as it surpriced me as well as the participants in a very positive way.
Some teacher at their school thought it would be a good idea for them to explore the music in their bodies by contemporary dance - but they were not very convinced when they showed up for the class. They didn't even change their clothes.. While saying hello and welcome them to the workshop I decided to abandon my plan for the workshop and instead start working with leading and following in couples with closed eyes.
I asked them to walk around in space trusting their partner. And i think they got relieved by the fact that they didn't need "to dance". For each time as we changed roles I added some small challanges as moving faster or slower through space or play with stillness and change of dynamics in the walking. The walking through space became, moving through space, moving your partner, letting your self being moved, adding playing with restistance - or not. I asked them to change roles so the leader would have the eyes closed and the follower the eyes open.
By playing around with leading and following, adding choices for the leaders and the followers, little by little making them opening their eyes there was in the end of the workshop one of the most crazy jams I have ever seen. They were all dancing together, roling on top of each other, having so much fun. It was wonderful to see the transformation of the group and to see them sweat in their jeans and skirts not caring about nearly loosing the pants while a friend pulled them across the floor.
I will always remember this class because "the result" was so unexpected. There was such a resistance before the class even started but taking away the sight, going for the physical sensation made them enter the dance without even noticing.
Hey Gilda
I can just imagine, I hear often so limited ideas of what dance is amongst non dancers and even actors. I often meet actors in Sweden that are afraid of contemporary dance because they only think it is about learning a form and steps and have bad experiences of that. Copying as the only task and comparison. Its so wonderful when you can show them that there is a whole world to it, and like you are saying fool them a little bit by making super clear and simple exercises for example, where they suddenly have a lot of freedom to move and improvise and be creative within. Dancing suddenly the whole spectra.