Andrea Maciel's classes are based on the techniques of “Dinâmica Muscular” (Muscular Dynamics) and Ballet according to the method created by the brazilian master Ceme Jambay, as well as the Capoeira’s techniques taught by the capoeira-experts Bruno Caverna and Jorge Itapuã Beira Mar. Furthermore, her classes are influenced by the techniques of Merce Cunningham and José Limón, Fundamentals of Irmgard Bartenieff and by the Rudolf Laban Movement Studies.
The classes include exercises for breathing, anatomical alignment, coordination and muscular strengthening and flexibility. The body is worked either with isolated body parts movements and combinations of entire body movements like transferences, dislocations, elevation and fall exercises, turns, jumps and also exercises of contact and support, all on different basis: on the knees, sitting, standing up, lying down and reversed.
The practices happened in progressive steps, in which there are different movement possibilities applied isolated and matched with individual, pair and group dynamics.
The classes focus on deepening the knowledge about the movement mechanisms and the understanding about different movement qualities that improve our body consciousness to finally perform the dance movements with precision, clarity, agility and expressiveness.
The classes took place in a pleasant and productive atmosphere, where the participants were motivated to develop their ability to transform and create.
Class Plan
1. Warm up:
The work starts on foot to progressively reach lying position with the back on the floor. The sequences of movements work the joints (bone alignment and mobility), stretching and toning the muscles. The exercises are developed mostly with separated body parts and intend to arouse, organize and warm the whole body. The exercises are all connected with the breath.
2. Sequences performed on the ground moving the upper and lower body parts with variations between lying and sitting positions, homolateral and contralateral movements:
2.1. Rotation movements of the joints, weight transfer, squatting position, supports – hands and knees, suspension and fall of body parts.
2.2. Articulation of the head and different segments of torso and arms, movements in lines and curves, mobilization and stabilization of the hips, bearings for the side.
2.3. Pendulum movements with the legs, circular movements with head, torso and arms, directions changing, movements in the prone and supine positions, bearings backwards.
2.4. Pendulum movements with the head, arms, bearings passing through the sitting position, legs levers, small flights of the entire body with subsequent falls.
3. Sequences standing:
3.1. Parallel position of the feet. Joint flexion and twisting of the torso and legs; circular movements of the head, arms, shoulders, elbows, wrists and hands.
3.2. Pliés in first and second en dehors positions with rotation and flexion (front, back, side) of the torso and head. Off-axis movements, arm movements with pendulum swing, elevés, balances.
3.3. Tendu with parallel and en dehors positions of the feet; torso and head flexion(front, back, side) and arms movements with pendulum swing.
3.4. Rond de jambe en dehors, en dedans, par terre and en l'air. Circular movements with head, torso and arms.
3.5. Sequence of movements with torso and head flexion (front, back, side) and arms movements with pendulum swing; bending the legs in rocking motion; lateral displacements and evolution of sequence combinations for movements on the ground.
4. Displacements in diagonal and in lines:
4.1. Bearings - individually and in pairs.
4.2. Slipped using the hands on the floor with weight transfer and leg levers - individually and in pairs.
4.3. Capoeira elements: spiral movements and inverted positions - individual and in pairs.
5. Combination of the practiced movements and development of choreographic sequences.
6. Finishing in circle: after a body and mind relaxation the group made comments about the workshop.