This technique can be approached on many different ways in term of teaching or exploring. The format that I would like to suggest is a training format. This would apply working on the main principals, of how the body operates within the Fly low technique. There will be proposed short sequences which contain the foundations for the Fly Low Body and then use the same sequences for experiencing different approaches within the same Body. The system which will be proposed is working with a lot of speed and repetition, of the sequence material, in the way of how digesting material goes.

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Fly low training

In this classes the main focus is series of tasks and training part of the Fly Low technique. The physical tasks (sequences) have been composed of elementary models of the movement developing the relationship between the center of the body and joints / limbs, on the one hand and on the other, tasks (sequences) stimulating creativity and understanding of the ideology of this system of moving. Movements are built on the basis of spirals and the relationship between your own body center with the ground / floor.

We will focus mostly on applying systems of walking, into other movement, as an entering point to the Fly low technique, exploring the difference of speed and speed relations to movement (within the fly low body operation), physical exercises that trigger different gravity relations and focused to touch as a concept in relation to the fly low body

Playing with gravity, a sense of awareness, compact use of all parts of the body, using the transformation of physical energy of the body in order to take advantage of it without taking in additional effort, and constant directives for clarity where we are, everything appeared in order to let it go through us, etc.

This technique can be approached on many different ways in term of teaching or exploring. The format that I would like to suggest is a training format. This would apply working on the main principals, of how the body operates within the Fly low technique. There will be proposed short sequences which contain the foundations for the Fly Low Body and then use the same sequences for experiencing different approaches within the same Body. The system which will be proposed is working with a lot of speed and repetition, of the sequence material, in the way of how digesting material goes.  

Fly Low is a technique which was established 30 years ago by dancer and choreographer, David Zambrano. Born in Venezuela and already by creating the technique began traveling and spreading it in North America and Europe (where he stayed to live). The name "flying low" comes from his friends in his 20’s, when he established his own style of composing movement which has the speed of moving and use of the floor, mostly.

Remarkable in this technique is that the body uses its motion in a highly practical way, with a minimum of effort to reach its maximum speed, regardless of the type of body, anyone can practice it. Its base is made by walking and spirals. After a certain practicing period, comes the phase of sliding, which with the speed gives the feeling of flying low.

I would like to invite you to training where we deal with relation to gravity, speed, systems of walking and specific compactness of the body.


   "If it is not this side, than it is the other side" David Zambrano.

Fly Low Technique56

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