IDOC Type:
In Folders:
Le phrasé et la forme de ces cours co-enseignés
Theme, flux, tone, mind, transitions…
1er jour:
Le dos
Comme 6 petites classes : succession de vagues
Le mouvement jaillit, et se calme
2ème jour
La mobilité et la stabilité de la ceinture scapulaire
Une seule grande vague qui va jusqu'à la danse complète
3ème jour
Les pieds comme base
Des circonvolutions autour du thème, qui s’en rapprochent puis s'en éloignent, incluent le bassin, et finalement relient les pieds au déséquilibre.
4ème jour
Centre et périphérie.
Les propositions serpentent, creusent des chemins périphériques et reviennent vers le centre.
5ème jour
Articulation de la hanche avec musicalité.
Sentiment de respiration, d'expansion, d'un temps suffisant.
The phrasing and the shaping of the morning classes
Theme, flux, tone, mind, transitions…
First day
The back
As 6 little classes : Waves up and down
The movement gushes out and calms down.
Second day
On way through that flows to full dance.
Mobility and stability of the shoulders giggle.
Third day
Feet as base.
Convolutions around the theme, including the pelvis and finally linking the feet to the balance.
Fourth day
Centre and periphery
The propositions snaked, dived peripheral pathways and came back to the centre theme.
Fifth day
Articulation in the hip joint approached with musicality
Feeling of breath, expansion and enough time.

I find this IDOC beautiful and was happily surprised by the images, besides beeing lovely,It is reminding me that some times we can transmit an idea or thought to ourselves or our students through images sometimes better then words.
I recently have a new class for younger ones then I am used to - and some times explaining little things is hard - this gives me new inspiration
thank you.