IDOC Type:
In Folders:
A guideline of questions to think towards documenting what YOU would like to share and how:
Try to answer these questions as specifically as possible, focusing on several possibilities one at a time.
1- Who are you? Teacher, professional who comes to training, curator...
2- What do you wish to share? = out of this week of sharings where we utilized many definitions around professional training...
3- Whom do you wish to adress? = who is your potential audience for this sharing?
4- What tools do you have for sharing/ documenting?
5- What could be your obstacles along the way?
6- What are your resources to over come these obstacles?
7- Where would you like to realize this sharing / publicize your documents?

hi! i did this questionnaire for an idoc, giving it the benefit of the doubt as i was not really convinced that it would help me. but it actually did...helping to clarify my focus! or also just checking, if i cannot answer the questions from the top of my head, that there is some more thinking to do. thank you for this!