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Pia Lindy Eligible Member // Teacher
This is the way I choose to start - with a question: Could dance be an answer? That question has stayed in my thinking for some time already. It touches me. Answer for what? I add another question: Do I need a question to start to do something or do I need to question art, dance, my teaching, this world, society, other people, something of not being there….? This idoc is a written response to my own experiences in a 5 day LEAP teaching residency in Amsterdam (November 2014). A poetic messy play with words that moved my thinking around.

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With missing - or more clearly with a question:  What is it that I miss? Then comes a new question: is missing of or not having (found?) something the thing I want to share with others? A way in or a way out?

But is that really what my dancing and teaching is about? Missing? Me and you standing in an empty hole (in a kitchen, or in a dance studio, street, performance, relationship) and wishing to be seen as missing something, always wishing to find something. Like there was no presence but re -presence?

Actually I don´t think so.  Art is not or it shouldn´t be just about representing or (full)filling an empty space in a vessel = human being. (Like audience / students shouldn´t be educated into an idea that they have an empty spot of which, we artists or teachers know how to fill in.) And actully questions are all right. A question is a sibling to a word inspiration.

To change - to move on, I want to tell that I get very excited and enthusiastic about human beings moving and all the layers of history, of different life events and embodied thinkings and memories that unravel in the moving people and in the moving dialogues.

And how things yet to come will come! Hair and nails will grow and that person moving trough the room is still moving trough the room. Words, images, story lines, and all the TV news at once!  But in fragments layered in a beautiful walk from one corner to another. Look at the skin on that hand and all the way to the neck - growing with wrinkles and peeling ideals of wisdom.

(THE) FICTION IT IS! What else could it be? And how to get there and how to share this?

During the Leap teaching residencies in Vitlycke and in Amsterdam we worked on  © The Moon Practice facilitated by Pavle Heider.  

That being a heart opening possibility for to reflect ways of being an artist and a teacher.

Imagine you are standing in a line.
Actually,  that´s not how it goes!
Imagine you are watching 5 people standing in a line
Nothing happens and yet everything happens
in front of you, in you, with you, with all that is - and moves on

one second after another...

Imagine a sense of belonging
and  a reaching out
not knowing and not caring about it, for once.

Imagine that dance is an answer.

Beyond this screen.

Beyond this body.

Beyond the culturally coded memories and expectations that make you sit on that chair the way you sit and change your position. The way you move, the way you watch, the way you might notice a sharp corner in your thinking. 

And there are terms like Instant Composition, Tool package, Heteronormativity and a true body..

How far do we need to go to find ourselves in the actions of other people? not in words!

 BUT there are more words I try to fit into this Idoc:  words like history and documentation, contemporary dance, professionality, sosiology of art, feedback, to touch, to archive, to remember, to let go, 

Is there a way in? and a welcoming to the other side?

What you need you are.
Choices that matter.

How not to go towards pain
How not to fix things or climb on other peoples pain or happiness.
How not to control and still be responsible
part of it
this world I mean
sensing, not ignoring the touch

Reflection and Response. Do you need more categories and definitions? Why?

From teaching to learning

You don´t know what you don´t know. That always shakes the ground I´m standing on.

And the way I imagine you there, the thoughts I think you have. Diffenrences we might have and do not have.


 Do You want to have it for ever or just hold it for awhile? Like life?

The writing/work you make becomes your teacher 

Most sentences can be shortened! (from the Residency day 2 / a workshop by writer Frank Gunning)

Movement and Life
That´s it!




Photos: a view from the boat ("my room") and Residency day 3 a visit to the City Archive Amsterdam 

a room with a view
Amsterdam City Archive

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