The example is from participants during a workshop for the finalists of "Skapa Dans" (= Create Dance). A choreography competition (including different styles) for dance makers age 15-21 taking place in Sweden.
The task is inspired by an interview technique I came across through a workshop with Christine De Smedt in 2013.
1. Write 4 words next to each other, that you think of in relation to (your) choreography
2. Write 3 words next to each other, that you think of when you hear the word communication
3. Take the 3rd word from the first line and write it again on a new line
4. Take the 2nd word from the 2nd line and write it next to the word you just wrote
5. Look at the two words and write what ever you come to think of really anything, invented, strange, silly what ever
After a little paus for people to ackknowledge what they have written:
Pose two questions (one at the time) answers can be in free format (sentences, words, short, epic):
1. What do you try to avoid when making choreography?
2. What is difficult to avoid?
trust - anxiety – want – cold
rethorics – everyday – senses
want – everyday
not do anything without knowing why
difficult to avoid a specific roll
Other Translated Examples:
glance – images – run – gold
human – stand – eyes
run – eyes
too many different movements
pirates - ships - crew - storm
collaboration - conversation – media
crew – conversation
after party
trying to avoid ambiguity
difficult to avoid asymmetry