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Anouk LLaurens Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » Candoco summer lab 2014 - Day 4
The aim of the five day Lab was to train perception and composition awareness through a dialogue between sensorial explorations and their documentation . Here are words, drawings, audio and video from participants and myself documenting day 4

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                                               continue whatever you are doing with your attention on your spine





                                                movement of the person/  movement of the attention






notice the shifts of attention



                                                                                                                                           notice the gaps in your







                                                                                      taste your sensations





                                                                                                       PAUSE to give the possibility to your attention to move



                                                                                    stabilize the body


                                                                                    the composition of sensations, emotions, thoughts, matter, forms






                                                                                                       activate your pauses with the movement of your attention



                                       when are you pausing






                                                                                                                                                    why are you pausing ?


                                                                            what is the life span of your pauses ?



                                                                                             expand out to the three dimentionnal sculptures


                                                                                 PELVIS     RIBCAGE      SKULL


                                                                                                        a trio


                                                                                  explore yourself as a foldable and unfoldable  3D environmnent



                                                 branch out from rib cage to arms/ hands/fingers


                                                              branch out from pelvis to legs/ feet/ toes




                                                                         REVERSE revisit your experience backward



                              for as long as you remember



Lisa Nelson



                  opinion / point of view/ selection / fltered informations / a replay of a teaching



                      trio movers / trio watchers /Foldable and unfoldable persons



 writting score's ritual replaced by a conversation



                                        SENSES                                   INSTINCT                                  INTUITION                              MAGIC



              what does the space need ?



                                                          watchers composing their experience





                                                                                                taking responsability for my own learning





                                                    teaching each other



experiencing life as i don't know it








                                                                          30 minutes blind exploration with a care taker -  blind lead sighted (video)



                           revisit your experience as blind and non blind throuh drawing with eyes closed



                                          change role


                                                                               draw again



7th of August 2014  - Greenwhich Dance Agency - London - UK

Participants: Ana Dora Borges (P), Anne-Gaelle Thiriot (FR), Aristide Rontini (IT), Bel Pye (UK), Carmen Kraus (CAN), Clare Reynolds (UK), Davide Turrini (IT), Deborah Roach (UK), Juan Bautista (SP), Kimberley Harvey (UK), Lisa Cahill (IR), Magalie Saby (FR), Matt Shilcock (AU), Megan Armishaw (UK), Michela Turrini (IT), Mirjam Gasser (SZ), Oliver Fitzgerald (UK), Sophie Arstall (UK), Zoe Georgallis (CY) Andrej Gubanov (UK) and candoco dancers: Mirjam Gurtner (SZ),Rick Rogers (UK), Toke Strandby (UK), Laura Patay (FR), Andrew Graham (FR), Tanja Erhart (AU), Pedro Machado (Candoco co- artistic director) and Hanna Dye (Candoco learning manager).


The aim of the five day Lab was to train perception and composition awareness through a dialogue between sensorial explorations and their documentation.  I proposed to the group  to explore practices focusing on touch, vision and their relationship and  introduced elements of Lisa Nelson’s Tuning Scores . Participants circulated between dancing, drawing, writing, talking and filming to document their experience from ‘inside’ and ‘outside’.  They communicated their point of view through the documents they produced and  In that way,  shared their knowledge and taught each other’s.



candoco day 4 afternoon after drawing
candoco summer lab day 4 aftrenoon impressions
Fragments of blind exploration

deb watcher
toke eyes closed, dora watcher
mirjam gaser
mirjam gurtner
anne-gaelle watcher, clare
bel watcher
laura eyes closed
lisa, davide
matt watcher, michela eyes closed
mirjam gurtner eyes closed
toke watcher
davide, lisa

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