IDOC Type:
In Folders:
Yielding and pushing
Imprinting and resisting
Stability and unstability
Choose horizontal and vertical support to yield and push
Look for a living environment
Meet and push
Equal resistance
Speed up and see
15 minutes automatic writting sessions
Select parts you want to share with the group
Sharing of the selected parts (audio 1)
Follow your visual interrest focus mode
Peripheral vision mode
Play with your hands entering and exiting your visual field
Stabilize hands and move visual field
Stabilize visual field and move hands
Move both
CLOSE (eyes closed)
What kind of music are you playing ?
Sharing impressions (audio 2)
Quintet score Movers move and still together / play with hands entering and exiting visual field
Watchers follow visual interrest / take picture pay attention on what is entering and exiting their camera frame
Watching the quintet / watcher can take pictures too
Select Two pictures to share on the dropbox
6th of August 2014 - Greenwhich Dance Agency - London - UK
Participants: Ana Dora Borges (P), Anne-Gaelle Thiriot (FR), Aristide Rontini (IT), Bel Pye (UK), Carmen Kraus (D), Clare Reynolds (UK), Davide Turrini (IT), Deborah Roach (UK), Juan Bautista (SP), Kimberley Harvey (UK), Lisa Cahill (IR), Magalie Saby (FR), Matt Shilcock (AU), Megan Armishaw (UK), Michela Turrini (IT), Mirjam Gasser (SZ), Oliver Fitzgerald (UK), Sophie Arstall (UK), Zoe Georgallis (CY) Andrej Gubanov (UK) and candoco dancers: Mirjam Gurtner (SZ),Rick Rogers (UK), Toke Strandby (UK), Laura Patay (FR), Andrew Graham (FR), Tanja Erhart (AU), Pedro Machado (Candoco co- artistic director) and Hanna Dye (Candoco learning manager).
The aim of the five day Lab was to train perception and composition awareness through a dialogue between sensorial explorations and their documentation. I proposed to the group to explore practices focusing on touch, vision and their relationship and introduced elements of Lisa Nelson’s Tuning Scores . Participants circulated between dancing, drawing, writing, talking and filming to document their experience from ‘inside’ and ‘outside’. They communicated their point of view through the documents they produced and In that way, shared their knowledge and taught each other’s.
Right click on the link(s) and choose "download linked file as", to specify the target download folder on your computer
[type: mp3] candoco day 3 morning
[type: mp3] candoco day 3 afternoon

Salut Anouk,
Les photos sont telement specifiques, je peux y lire : "SEEING THROUGHT ALL THE SENSES"! (L.Nelson)
super idoc easy to read and it give my sensation to imagine what it was.
Thank and sending love. P

Merci Pascale, ça fait plaisir à lire, surtout quand ça vient d'une praticienne du Tuning comme toi. Hug Anouk