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Charlotta Ruth Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » "Unique and liked by everyone" Interdisciplinary workshop for teenagers
This is a workshop that I lead at ImPulsTanz 2014 together with Laura Weiss (set-designer) and Clélia Colonna (voice and text)

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5 days 5 h/day age group 12-15

Equipment: 3 ipod touch, mobile phone applications instagram and youtubeCapture, 2 microphones, Computer, paper material, glue, colours, all kind of pencils and paintbrush, handicrafting materials

Costumes/wigs: we brought wigs and make-up. Participants are encouraged to make and bring things.


Before the workshop started the participants were asked to:


  1. decide upon A. a famous person that they love/like and B. a famous person that they dislike. It can be a person famous for various reasons, music, politics, TV, sports.

  2. find an image of these two people where they see clear action/movement/expression and email the link to the workshop-leaders


Examples of assignments

day 1


Star interview” The images of the stars and antistars are printed. The students are devided in couples. With the help of a few starting questions the workshop participants are asked to interview each other about the famous people they have chosen, why they are attached to the person or not. When they first got to know the person. If someone else has influenced their thoughts. The person interviewing is taking notes. The notes are collected and will later be used as scientific data.


Front Figure moves” Together we develop movement material from the body positions/facial expressions of the two stars/anti-stars. We learn each others material and combine them into a short choreography. We play with rythm and dynamic and explore how different the choreography turns with different intentions and different music.


Theory input: Introduction to ”Image”. Short theory presentation of portraits of politicians and in extension artists that have worked with images of leaders, portraits and self-transformation e.g. Samuel Fosso and Cindy Sherman.


Creation of portraits/head shots/profile pics. We create our own name tags from card board and other materials using hand writing or printing fonts. With the help of each other we make pictures combining natural filters (plastic, water on glass, color filter etc.) and instagram filters. Devided two by two we take a look at inspiration images and help each other to decide how we wanna look in the portraits.


homework: think of a person you know very well and think of a typical movement this person does. The person can be yourself but it doesn't have to be you.


Day 2

Mockumentary” Interview in couples. Present your partner as an Ultimate Front Figure. Find out about strengths, weaknesses, specialities etc. Starting from the notes the couples are asked to prepare a presentation of each other. The goal is to ”sell”/ promote him/her as Ultimate, targeting the potential audience, promoting weeknesses as ”charming weirdness” etc. Promoting the person as if they were each other's manager.


Gestural choreography”. We create gestural choreography from the gestures that people have been thinking about. Repeat the choreography until it flows well and as an introduction to how choreography can be used in moving image we explore the gesture choreography in the portrait set-up.


Home work: bring a song that you either like very much or a song that others like very much butyou don't know why.

Bring this as an mp3 or as an online link.


Day 3

Pop song speech score”

-everyone is guided to analyze the structure of the song they have brought as an mp3

-a short introduction of how different scores can look are introduced (with examples differing between e.g. Beethoven, John Cage, Yoko Ono).

-Together as a group we try out performing different scores together.

-second step write a pop song or speech score based on a few simple instructions where pop and political speech is being mixed.

-Together we explore performing each others scores. The score is afterwards possible to use as potential song structure and material for lyrics.


Theory input, hero and leader attributes from mythology, religion and fiction. Overview of Beauty codes from different cultures and in relation to history.


Design the Ultimate Front Figure“

Together in groups the participants mindmap and invent fictive Ultimate Front Figures. Each group has to determine their target audience, the look and how the FF moves and behaves. Further they invent the front figure's life line/career. The participants are asked to plan a presentation video of their front figures. The video should max be 1,5 minutes.


Pedagogues working in blocks with each group and guide the creation by asking questions and helping to coming to decisions.


Homework bring possible attributes/make-up etc from home.


Day 4

Introduction to how youtube capture works


Continuing n the groups of the fictive front figures. Each group develops a storyboard.They are encouraged to use material and techniques from the first week (portraits/filters/choreography/popsong score/mocumentary).

Location Scouting, finding the location where to film.


Filming material (Pedagogues assist. Students taking turns behind the camera.


Day 5

Final Filming (Pedagogues assis)


Editing in youtube capture


Looking at and discussing the films together


Films from workshop at ImPulsTanz:




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